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About Us

RM Solutions has the resources and technical expertise to evaluate your site or facility to determine the best possible solution to fit both your immediate and future needs. We perform a return on your investment analysis to estimate the timeline to recuperate your investment on us. We are a Partnership Firm, engaged in providing E-goverances Services, Manpower Services both Corporate and indivisual type, Raw Material Procurement , Solar related service and Project Outsouceing for our registered vendors. We seek your support to grow hand-in-hand for future business opportunity.

  • Raw Material Procurement

    Based on the requirement of our client , we can arrange deals on electrical, Solar and other material which are required by our clients for either corporates or govt supply what so ever it maybe.

  • E Goverances Project

    We have manged to bring the project for our vendor in Jharkhand/Bihar and PAN India for Ground Level work for both Pvt & Govt Organization in bringing out the data for our clients with good commercial payouts.

  • Project Outsourcing

    Project Available for BIHAR, UP, Gujarat on PAN India Level. Vendor interested can contact us and get the project as per terms & Condition as applicable. PAN INDIA work available.

  • On-boarding & KYC

    We have team for Merchant Onboarding and performing KYC related work for different companies such as Cashify, Amazon, Pagarbook, and many more. Join us for sales related for PAN India.

Our Mission and Vision

We keep walking step by step at every stage to see the completion of task with success and results. Our belief is in serving customers/clients with most commendable quality products and this ideology leads us towards adhering strictly to the parameters which are regulated by international authorities. The business activities we undertake are always executed in a customer centric manner, in which we ultimately seek for optimum customers' satisfaction.

Why do people Choose us


  • Thank you for suggesting Solar. We are happy with your work and dedicated time closure as per commitment. Hope to see you again in future. Wish you good luck.

    CA Richa Jain, Kolkata
  • Being Associated with RM Solutions is a great thing. You are doing a fabulous work in the field of Solar. It was a wonderful time while the discussion of the requirement for Solar was done. The best was 1 KVA just for Rs 53000/- was the best price as offered in market. Keep your prices and services good. Wish you all good luck.

    Ajay Kumar, Jamshedpur
  • Thank you team for the set up 2 kilowatt Off Grid system. We now can say that yes solar has brought a great saving but most important is the backup which i am getting, Thanks for the suggestion of 4 Battery in 2 Kilowatt setup.

    Amit Production, Ranchi

Our Associations

Our association with brands has a remarkable background in the history of India.

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